الموضوع: Lyric,Metaphor, and Song
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قديم 17/07/2008   #37
شب و شيخ الشباب maged-syrian
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May 2007
صرنا بــDamascus

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كاتب النص الأصلي : التقرير الجوال عرض المشاركة
Shall we pick another lyrics

Why not! Carry on pick up a famous song
I have a question for you, Do you believe that people who dont speak English
would have the desire to share us their comments in Arabic ? Do really they care about explaining the lyrics and songs! In case they do then what are you waiting for.
Thanks for you patience

يا ايها الرجلُ المعلمُ غيرهِ..............هلا لنفسكَ كانَ ذا التعليمُ
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