الموضوع: قصة حلوة كتير
عرض مشاركة واحدة
قديم 11/02/2006   #1
شب و شيخ الشباب fady juventus
-- مستشــــــــــار --
الصورة الرمزية لـ fady juventus
fady juventus is offline
نورنا ب:
Aug 2005

افتراضي قصة حلوة كتير

A very beautiful woman was walking on the roof of a building and she suddenly trips over something and falls down:
On her way falling down, an American man catches her,
she says: "Oh thank you, you saved my life , I'll do ANYTHING for you..."

The man says : "Okay then , sleep with me"

She says : "You PIG!! NEVER!!"

So he says : "FINE!" and he drops her down....

So she's falling and screaming...

Suddenly a German man catches her in the air from his balcony,
she says:"Oh thank you, you saved me,
I'll do anything that you ask..."

The guy says : "Fraulein , sleep with me."

She replies : "Oh you nasty pig!!! NEVER!"
So the man says : "Fine!!!" and he also drops her down again.

She's falling and thinking that it was better if she slept with one of those men

and now she's going to die.

Suddenly , a Muslim man catches the woman from his balcony,

she says : "Oh thank you, you saved my life, I'll SLEEP with you!!"

The Muslim man replies : "Astaghfarulla'h " and he drops her !!

أعـشق عـمري لأنـي إذا مـتُّ أخجل من دمـع حـبـيـبـتـي ... و أمـي
في حضرة الإمبراطور اليوفي و الأسطروة دل بييرو .. يركع الملكي المدريدي
احذروا قناة العربية
لأنها قناة حريرية عبرية أميريكية سعودية قذرة
همها الأوحد تشويه صورة سوريا العظيمة
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