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قديم 20/04/2004   #36
شب و شيخ الشباب Joe
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Apr 2004
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Jew Watch

Hi there. Did I mention I've got an attitude when I see people get so worked up because someone says Jew on the internet? Well I do. I'm feeling they are no better than a Christian, a Muslim, or a Hindu. So when I kept coming across articles on blogs about Jew Watch. I did something all those who protested and complained how terrible the whole thing is. I went to google and typed in some other religions. Seems fair right?

Well these are the results I found on the first page when I typed up Christian Watch. Seems within easy finding is a page devoted to debunking Christ. Heck it's the first listing. Why those bad old assholes over at Google are gonna hear from me.

Next I had to do a Muslim Watch. Again we didn't have to search far for someone talking bad about the group in question. First link again. Seems the page is filled with anti Muslim links. Bet those Google guys are fearing Jihad now.

Well we can't let those Catholics off now can we? They do have a huge congregation and a religion almost unto themselves right? Well just in case I did Catholic Watch. Had to dig deeper to find evidence of anti catholisism. The third link. Wow deep digging there right. Of course they say they are Catholics. Just the new batch since 1958 or so has corrupted the church.

But we can't leave the hindu alone no can we? Yup. You guessed it. Hindu Watch. Now I had to go further to find this one. The tenth link. But boy is it a doozy. It's a page devoted to Islam, and seeking to recruit more Muslims. But hey isn't the plural of hindu hindi? Yup. Again off to Google. With a quick Hindi Watch. Second link down is a Christian Recruiting web site. If I were a Hindu I might find that a little rude.

So now that we have all got ourselves all worked up over this little Jew Watch issue. Please all of you throw as much spirit defending these other faiths. Or aren't theirs as important?

Yeah I thought so. By the way. Got tired of doing the Buddhist Watch thing because it came up fairly empty. But what the heck. Someone creative out there has to hate them so maybe next week right guys?

الموضوع منقول من غووغل
و الخلاصة... من رأيي الخاص... ان اليهود حساسون كثيرا... فالانترنت مليئة بالمواقع المادية لكل ما يخطر ببالكم من الطوائف و المعتقدات... المسيحية و الاسلام و اليهودية و الهندوسية و البوذية و العلمانية و الالحاد و و و و

و على فكرة... الموقع محجوب هنا في كندا!! و حاولت الدخول عن طريق بروكسي فرنسي و لما يدخل ايضا... اتمنى من احد الاخوة في سوريا ان يتأكد لنا عما اذا كان الموقع مفتوحا في سوريا ام لا..... او ان يتكرم احدكم و يعطيني بروكسي سوري في حال كان الموقع مفتوحا حتى ارى ما فيه

شكرا جزيلا

ذكرى مرور عام على وفاة الأديب العالمي سيبيري ماسكوليه 1932 - 2008
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