
عرض كامل الموضوع : THIS IS REALL LOVE

30/09/2007, 11:24
love is not a game to play

love is not a word to say

love doesnt start in march and end in may

love is tomorrow yesterday and today

thats why i hope to be my love not just 4 one day

cause jouliana need your love every second in a day

i :sosweet:love:sosweet:u

30/09/2007, 11:30
So Damn nice ....

Rellay i like it so much ... and hop to read more if you have hun ...

So if you have more goahead ..,

In the end it's relly so swaet words and up high felling !!!


30/09/2007, 11:35
So Damn nice ....

Rellay i like it so much ... and hop to read more if you have hun ...

So if you have more goahead ..,

In the end it's relly so swaet words and up high felling !!!


great that u like it:D

30/09/2007, 11:58
great that u like it:D

Sure i do hun :D

30/01/2008, 14:20
cause jouliana need your love every second in a day

so basically if u stop needing him u stop loving him ecery sec in a day

just wondering

02/02/2008, 01:41
so basically if u stop needing him u stop loving him ecery sec in a day


just wondering

And Still Wonder !!!

22/02/2008, 15:49
so basically if u stop needing him u stop loving him every sec in a day


just wondering

:the wonder is solved

need and love are not related all the time
u can need ur boss for ex. in ur job to help u get money for life but u might not seem to absorb him internally in ur heart
and u can love somebody and never need that person cuz u know internally that u cant relay on him or her

but i do believe that miracles can easily be accomplished when love and need unite honestly

a gusto filled me up when i read a quote once

Immature love says, 'I love you because I need you.' Mature love says, 'I need you because I love you.' – Erich Fromm