
عرض كامل الموضوع : Dear My Love

Abu Guzef
23/06/2007, 06:28
dear my love
one day i had a dream
that i were a lone in a desert
in very hot area at some were in the world
and i was too thirsty i looked for some water
to drink to stay a live
i looked and looked and found no thing
after soo many search i saw a tree
i run to it
there was a small lake
i drinking and drinking
and woke up to find my self
in your embrace drinking from your tears
then i had the felling that i mad about u
but from this day i start love desert
so what about u
do like
me to drinking from
your tears too

Remember Me
06/07/2007, 01:19
شكرا Abu Guzef :D

كتييييييييييير حلوة

Abu Guzef
06/07/2007, 20:50
هلا بس في عندي خطأ بالكتابة
i drinking and drinking
لازم تكون
i start drinking and drinking

06/07/2007, 22:52
و في غير أخطاء كمان بس حلوة.........some real true feelings

06/07/2007, 22:57
كتييير حلوة

ولسه معناها احلى

يسلموووووووو :D

Abu Guzef
06/07/2007, 23:17