
عرض كامل الموضوع : Love in my country

06/05/2005, 09:50
Love in my country

My friend:
Love in my country is horrible murder ...and you are in indictment even if you proven your innocence...
My friend:
In my country ....the people stoning the lover and killing sweetheart and accuse the love of fornication....

in my country....the people write : history of people love ....and paint it and adorn it ....and memorize it ..And repeat it ....and say to their kids: like part of lesson of education and prohibition about abominable

In my country ....words of love get free from her sanctity ....words of love strip from her affectionate...and indictment swords put in neck of every one: want to talk about it

Love in my country is polished word for sex

Love... Here ...just a few tempting words for abyss of sins

Love ...in my country ...words of song ....become null when song is end ....we delight to voice of singer ...and ignore the meanings

Love...Is poems of poets.....always those poets is accused of good manners decay ...and appeal to pornography .....to love !

Love ...here...is old history ....they were killed him....when (ANTER and ABLA) is dead ..........they were jailed him in school books ....and they were honored him by lines of poetry to memorizing measure of poetry.....and they not explain his meanings....

The owner of invitation for love ....he the owner of atheism.....the Messenger of Devil.......and all hearts that which pulsate by love it is incorrect hearts...and for this sin ...must be in death

My friend
My city don’t confess in love ...and his society is talkative old woman adorn oneself by skin of fake civilization

My friend
don’t declare your love ....and don’t declare publicly about love......because the people stoning the lover and killing sweetheart ...and the love is nothing more than story telling in sidewalk .,in imagination of writers ,and in delirium of poets
.................................................. ........

06/05/2005, 20:47
كمان مان والله كتير حلوة :D

10/05/2005, 12:51
الله يعطيك العافية حلوة كتيييييييييييير