
عرض كامل الموضوع : طرق تشكيل الكلمات في اللغة الإنجليزية

Eternal Beauty
20/06/2009, 00:12
Processes of Word Formation
Here are some of processes of word formation in the English language

Borrowing الإستعارة
There is a large amount of borrowed words from other languages has taken place in English
e.g sheikh borrowed from Arabic bazaar borrowed from persian etc

It is simply the joining of two or more words into sigle words
e.g cornflakes alongside breakfast

Echoismصدى الأصوات
It is the formation of words whose sound suggests their meaning
e.g hush hiss click roar

It means cutting off the beginning or the end leaving a part to stand for the whole
e.g laboratory examination mathematics

20/06/2009, 00:52
يا ريت يكون الموضوع مترجم حتى نستفيد منو اكتر

تحياتي :D

Eternal Beauty
20/06/2009, 20:34
تحياتي mhsen77

سأترجم الموضوع لاحقا انتظريني